Thursday, January 31, 2013

Week 4 EOC: Jeopardy Game Critic

In preparation for our mid-term exam, the class was tasked to develop questions for a Jeopardy game, to be played by the students in class the following week.

Initially, the thought of memorizing 100+ pages of terms and concepts seemed to be a very daunting task, especially with our busy lives and other class commitments. However, in pouring over the pages repeatedly, and honing in on relevant information pertaining to our fields of study, the terms became more connu.

Later, in class, we were split up into collaborative groups, with our books in hand for quick referencing. Students took turns manning their games for the class, as the rest feverishly attempted to answer the various gauntlets of questions. In addition, the elements of points gained and lost with right or wrong answers, forced student to make a strong effort to post the correct answers. At the end of a series of questions, those groups with the highest points, gained currency, via yellow post-it notes. The post-it notes would later become extra credit points to count toward the mid-term exam the following week. This combination of rewards/punishments and competition among the classmates enabled an environment whereby, the terms were further embedded and committed to memory.

The end result was a success. This could be seen through the various "Aha!" and "Oh, I remember that!", which could be heard at different intervals of the game. There was a sense of satisfaction when one remembered off the top of their head, or had the term referenced already from their game, and were able to lock in a correct answer. Moreover, this innovative approach memorizing what appeared to be impossible, was made very manageable and entertaining. I hope the continuity of this tool to study for tests, remains a function of the class, and serves as a recommendation to others looking for creative options.

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